Tanjung Pinang Historic, Unique
and Beautiful Buddhist Temple Tours

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Tanjung Pinang Historic, Unique and Beautiful Buddhist Temples
Vihara Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva – Tanjung Pinang.
This very beautiful and majestic temple is known by local people as the thousand statues temple which was built on a hill. It is indeed a remarkable sight to behold.
This temple hosts 500 statues of Lou Han (followers of buddhism) with different facial expressions as a description of human nature/character such as happiness, sadness, anger, disappointment and others. The statue is between 1.7 to 2 meters high in the shape of a human. Plus there are more than 40 statues of revered gods.
You will also see a large statue when you came to this temple. The statue is the figure of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, what an extraordinary welcome for anyone who comes to visit this temple either to pray or just as atourist.
Vihara Avalokitesvara Graha – Tanjung Pinang.
Sunce it was inaugurated by the government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Minister of Religion on June 3 2009, the Avalokitesvara Graha Temple has officially become a place to deepen knowledge of Buddhism and study for monks, Sangha, and teachers from Indonesia and abroad.
The Avalokitesvara Graha Temple displays a statue of the graceful and majestic Goddess Kuan Yin Phu Sha in a sitting position. Amazingly, this statue was designated by the Indonesian Record Museum as the largest indoor statue of the Goddess Kuan Yin in Indonesia. The statue is 16.8 meters high, made of copper and weighs 40 tons, covered in 22 carat gold.
Not only that, the Sata Sahasra Buddha Pagoda which stands majestically in the Avalokitesvara Graha Temple area was designated by Indonesian Museum of Record as the tallest Pagoda in Indinesia with height of 46.8 meters which is composed of 9 levels.
Sata Sahasra Buddha Pagoda also received a certificate from the Indonesian Museum of Record for the installation of the most ceramic motifs of buddha statues on the walls of the Pagoda building totaling 20.708 pieces of ceramics.
The beauty and majesty of the Avalokitesvara Graha Temple on a large area is claimed to be the biggest temple in Southeast Asia.
Vihara Dharma Sasana & Vihara Banyan Tree.
Senggarang Tanjung Pinang
In Senggarang village, explore the two oldest temples of Bintan namely the Dharma Sasana and Banyan Tree. Within the Vihara Dharma Sasana area there are three 300 years old temples built by immigrants from mainland China as a thank you for a safe journey over the sea. The three temples are Fu De Zheng Shen, Tian Hou Sheng Mu and Yuan Tien Shang.
Vihara Banyan Tree or Tien Shang Miao Temple is the former home of the chinese captain Chiao Chen. Observing the inscription emblazoned on the signboard of this temple has been around since 1811. The house was abandoned by the owner and was not used, then the people around it made it a house of worship.
Uniquely, most of the roofs and buildings of the Tien Shang Miao Temple are covered with the roots of large banyan trees that grow around the temple.
Hp/Whatsapp: +62 812-6793-9477
Email danielbatam1401@gmail.com
Kampung Cahaya Sari no.6 Kel. Kota Baru Kec. Teluk Sebong Kab. Bintan Propinsi Kepulauan Riau Indonesia 29152

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